Yoga for Beginners ….
Always wanted to try yoga?
… never quite got to it? Think you’re not flexible enough (myth!)?
Can’t face being the one who ‘can’t keep up’?
I offer Private and Small-Group Foundations courses to slow down the pace and give you the time to understand the basics of alignment and breath without any pressure. You also learn to accommodate a practice in your own body to practice safely and sustainably for years to come.
Personalised home-practice sequences will maximise your progress and 6 x 1-hour sessions will build your skill and confidence to transfer to a group class.
Get in touch to learn more/discuss dates/ pre-register - or create a course for you and your friends!
Or take a Private Foundation Course of three or more 1-hour Private Sessions at any time
Small Group Foundations 6 x 1 hr Small-Group Sessions 199CHF
Private Foundations 3x1hr Private Sessions 300CHF