Start 2025 well! 24-Class Challenge
30-mins to start the day/practice when you need
Tues 6.30am + Wed 7.30am + Thurs 6.30am
So how do you face a New Year? It can be a tough time but I’ve started to think of January as ‘be kind to me’ month where I try to eat well, sleep and move more and give myself the space to wind back up slowly. I use the whole month to gather my intentions for the year. To clarify where/with whom I will place my energy and what/whom I will consciously let go of. It helps!
However you face the New Year, regular movement and mind-space is crucial for your wellbeing, for healthy aging and for vitality and immune health in the winter months. Find something you enjoy and prioritise it. Stick with it. It may be the most important thing in your diary!
If yoga makes your list, how about a short practice before the day starts? Or receive a video to fit in when it suits you. Feel the difference a regular practice makes to your body and mind!
EarlyBird classes offer 30 mins of gentle flow to move mindfully and improve circulation in joints & fascia as you unwind deeply held tension. These gentle but powerful classes are suitable for ALL - leaving you energised, focussed and ready to embrace your day. Simply roll out of bed and practice in PJs or get the video replay valid for 3 days.
Will a goal help? Challenge yourself to complete all 12 classes in Jan or all 24 classes in Jan+Feb. Get the monthly/bimonthly special price and start 2025 well 🙏🏻
Roll out of bed and join live - from your room, in your pjs, with your camera off - whatever works, just get on your mat and start the day well
Or get the video (valid 3days) to enjoy as a desk break or end to the day
Drop in, use class-pack or take the Monthly Special for 3 classes each week
Or commit to 24 classes in the first 2 months with the Jan+Feb EarlyBird Special
Contact me with any questions